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GMRgold Blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Economic World War I – EWWI

Economic World War I – EWWI

There are two wars going on in the world at present. The sacrificial lamb for the real war is Ukraine. The real war being waged is an all-out economic war orchestrated by the same architect of the conflict in the former territory of the Soviet Union.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Gold Digger – Recession Fears and Precious Metals

Goldigger – Recession Fears and Precious Metals

A recession is when your neighbor loses his house. A depression is when you lose your house. This old adage, while recited tongue in cheek, speaks to the awareness of economic situations occurring around us. There is a multitude of distractions currently to keep our attention away from the most important headline that is missing from the front page of the newspapers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

GMRgold's Precious Metals Week in Review - March 13, 2022

GMRgold's Precious Metals Week in Review - March 13, 2022

Gold took the markets on a roller coaster ride last week with prices ranging from a high of $2,060.00 per ounce to a low of $1,950.00 causing independent investors to re-think their positions. Stand firm!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022