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Friday, July 20, 2018

Top 12 Must-Have Benefits of a Precious Metals IRA

You can prepare for retirement in many different ways, some more successful than others. You can deposit your money in a savings account, invest in stocks, or dig a hole in your back yard and bury your money if that’s what you really want to do. However, investing in precious metals has many benefits you don’t get from any of these other methods. Here are 12 reasons to consider starting your precious metals IRA today! 1. 2-Way Diversification Diversifying your investments is critical if you...

Friday, July 20, 2018

Friday, July 13, 2018

Precious Metals Investing: What’s the Right Age to Begin?

No matter what investment you’re pondering, it’s wise to consider your age. At different times in your life, you have different needs, responsibilities, financial means, and goals, all of which may play a part in your investment strategy. Many people decide to get into the precious metals market after years of disappointing results from other types of investments. Yet, does the fact that middle-aged and older adults tend to favor precious metals mean that there’s a certain age when it makes...

Friday, July 13, 2018

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Why Would You Invest in a St. Gaudens?

The St. Gaudens Double Eagle $20 gold coin has a fascinating history. The double eagle has been hoarded by ordinary citizens and sold by an Egyptian prince for millions. The design is impeccable, and the value is real. It’s a very interesting coin, to be sure, but is it really worth your attention? Here are some great reasons people have for investing in this timeless coin. Beautiful Design The design of the double eagle was sculpted by Augustus St. Gaudens, who was asked to create a design...

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018

Market Report for Precious Metals June 2018

June Sell-Offs Set the Stage for Investment Opportunities Gold has been on a downward path through most of June 2018. In fact, early in June, the price was at a more respectable $1299 before it began its descent on the 8th, finally reaching a low of $1246 on June 28. Some investors sold their gold in mass quantities, while others held on, waiting for the precious metals market to rebound. https://charts.kitco.com/KitcoCharts/index.jsp?Symbol=GOLD&Currency=USD&multiCurrency=true&langId=EN&period...

Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018

What Years Were the Morgan Silver Dollars Minted?

A large, heavy, and beautiful coin, the Morgan Silver Dollar holds a special place in the hearts of collectors. Today, both casual collectors and serious numismatists include Morgan’s in their coin collections. The coin was minted for a total of 27 years. How the Morgan Silver Dollar Came to Be The Morgan Silver Dollar was the first U.S. dollar coin minted after the government ended free coining of silver with the Coinage Act of 1873. In 1878, the Bland-Allison Act was passed to prevent the...

Friday, June 29, 2018