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GMRgold Blog

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Actual Value Of Gold

Search for gold prices and you will come across several pages and websites covering the ever-changing value of gold. Even news channels provide information on gold prices so that buyers and sellers are aware of the changing scenario. But, what if we tell you that what you see online or on television is not the actual price of gold, but only a mere estimate which is a result of a prediction based upon consumers' behavior in the future, and that the actual cost of gold is even higher than...

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Power Of Gold

The gold standard is one of the most discussed topics. Powered by banks, gold fund managers, and the general public, it developed due to the continuous increase in the price of gold, which allowed everyone to buy more gold to preserve the value of their wealth over a considerably large period. Central banks, who were gold sellers, shifted towards buying it. Countries with stable economies restrained themselves from selling it, and countries with a surplus converted all that surplus to gold....

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Race For Gold

Countries all over the world are in a phase of an unspoken race: a race to buy as much gold as they can in order to defend and back up their currency. It seems that the USA is leading this race, but if we have a micro look at the numbers, we?ll realize that Switzerland tops the list. From a per person point of view, the USA stands at the ninth position, surprisingly below countries like Lebanon and Portugal. This is because the majority of the gold reserves of the USA are held by the...

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Friday, October 2, 2020

What Type of Gold to Purchase and How to Decide

With so many options to choose from, selecting the type of gold you want to buy can be a difficult task. Previously, gold had only existed in the form of gold bars or coins. Today, you see gold everywhere ? in the form of bullions, ingots, exchange funds and even gold nuggets, which are found in riverbeds or are extracted directly from the ground. Reason for Purchasing Gold If you are stuck and unable to make a decision on what type of gold you want to buy, then the easiest way then take a...

Friday, October 2, 2020

Friday, August 21, 2020

Benefits of Purchasing Gold and the Right Time to Sell it

Wondering when is the right time to purchase and sell gold? People will tell you a lot of things based on their experiences but not all might be right for you. Plus, access to a lot of information — especially if it differs — can leave people confused. On the-privateer.com website, it has been stated that, "During any discussion about the future or the prices of gold, it is important to keep in mind that gold in actuality is a political metal. This means that its price is...

Friday, August 21, 2020