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Search for gold prices and you will come across several pages and websites covering the ever-changing value of gold. Even news channels provide information on gold prices so that buyers and sellers are aware of the changing scenario.

Gold Bullion

But, what if we tell you that what you see online or on television is not the actual price of gold, but only a mere estimate which is a result of a prediction based upon consumers' behavior in the future, and that the actual cost of gold is even higher than what you see and read?

The actual price of gold is the street value of gold, which is at least 10 to 20 percent higher. This price is available at online e-commerce websites such as eBay.

Over the years the value of almost every currency has dropped significantly but the value of gold has been on the rise. This is why more people now take interest in gold and other precious metals like steel.

Due to this high demand, eBay has set up a Bullion Center that makes it easy for buyers to find gold.

An employee of Great Southern Coins, Chandler, stated that the increase in the sale of gold and silver has quadrupled their business in only a month, only because they turned to eBay for business. But, it isn't your only option.

You can also find gold on other websites like ours. Go through available options and pick what fits you. However, remember prices change at a rapid pace and you might have to get a personalized quote.