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Most investors and collectors opt for gold coins, yet bullion, also known as a bar, is in demand as well.

Bullion comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. You will find them in various finesse ranges – .995 to .9999 gold. Globally, there are 50 manufacturers of gold bars that produce 338 different varieties.

Gold bars can be as small as one gram and as large as 1 kilogram. The 1kg bar is also referred to as the London Good Delivery bar. Bars less than 1kg in weight are typically called small bars.

Troy ounces are used to measure precious metal quantities, unlike the regular postal scale ounce known as avoirdupois. If you are weighing on a kitchen scale, then you should know that 16 postal scale ounces equal 14.58 troy ounces.

Grams bars are easier to maneuver and manage. A smaller bar like the 1gram or 100gram can, however, be a bit more expensive due to dealer markups. They’re also more expensive since they’re more costly to make.

The Australian Mint (Perth) sells different sizes of bars, namely the 5g, 10g, and up to 10oz. Prices vary on a regular basis since gold prices don’t stay constant.

If you’re looking for other sellers then consider these:

  • Produits Artistiques de Métaux Précieux (PAMP) – Switzerland
  • AGR Matthey – Australia
  • Midwest Refineries – the USA

Gold bars have become an attractive proposition due to producers such as PAMP offering standardized and polished gold bars. Look around and pick what suits you.

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