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In this series we will discuss the most frequently asked questions we get on a regular basis from our clients regarding Precious Metals IRA’s. This is the fourth video in this series. Please make sure you watch the remaining videos in this series - they should help answer some of your questions about diversifying into the precious metals markets.

Can I take delivery of the metals in my IRA to satisfy an RMD?

Yes. You can always take direct delivery of the precious metals in your IRA at any time for any reason including to satisfy your RMD requirement.

How do I pay my annual Precious Metals IRA fees?

You can pay your annual Precious Metals IRA fees via check or credit card. Alternatively, you may elect to pay your fees out of any cash that you have in your account. All fees paid out-of-pocket for your IRA are always 100% tax-deductible.

What happens if I miss my annual IRA fee payment?

If you miss your Precious Metals IRA payment, you will be charged a late fee. If you fall significantly behind in your payments, your custodian may actually be able to sell some of the precious metals in your account in order to pay delinquent fees.

Do I receive statements for my Precious Metals IRA?

Yes. You will receive quarterly statements of your IRA account from your custodian.

Can I see the precious metals in my Gold IRA?

Yes. Depending on what storage facility you select, you can generally make an appointment to actually view your precious metals.

Thank you for watching this video in our series on Precious Metals IRA’s. We hope you found it informative. Please make sure you watch the remaining videos in this series - they should help answer some of your questions about diversifying into the precious metals markets. You can always find more information on this topic, as well as other important information on the precious metals markets by visiting our website linked in the description below.