
Our Experts Debate: Should You Invest in Silver or Gold?

Silver or gold? This is a question our experts receive daily. It truly is a fascinating question and there are good reasons for investing in both metals in a variety of ways.

Gold is considered more valuable simply because of its rarity and also due to personal preference - hence it's higher value per ounce than silver.

Gold generally runs at 55 times more valuable per ounce than silver. Yet silver is used in industry much more than gold, making silver more desirable in industrial applications versus than gold. Silver is also in shorter supply. Silver has actually almost tripled in value while gold has doubled at times.

Gold has been used as a transactional medium for many years, but it is silver that has formed the basis of most exchange mediums. In other words, more people use silver for money than gold. This is possibly due to the difference in value.

In the coin collector world, it is very much a matter of taste, as well as affordability. Some people prefer gold, others silver. Silver coins are much easier to collect. In theory, one would have to collect around fifty silver coins to one gold coin. For investment and storage purposes however, storing a one ounce gold coin is much easier than storing fifty one ounce silver coins.

Of course the aforementioned applies to bars and wafers as well. The main difference of course is some coins can have an additional value not shared by bullion bars, mainly due to their rarity.

Investors on both sides of this argument will give you good reasons why either gold or silver is the preferred asset when it comes to investing and diversifying. The truth is, both are excellent investments and, when it comes to coins, both have beautiful coins to choose from.

So, whether you are a silver or a gold collector, the mere fact of collecting and enjoying the coins and bars will likely give you much pleasure for years to come.

Remember, "Take care of your money and your money will take care of you."

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